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ICAO English 飛行英語



ICAO Aviation English

飛行英語 課程

..1) What is ICAO English?

Between 1976 and 2000, more than 1100 passengers and crewmembers lost their lives in airline accidents in which investigators determined that air traffic control communications had played a contributory role. (Source: ICAO journal)

In order to improve air transport safety, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) introduced an English language proficiency standard in March of 2003. These standards outline the minimum level of English language proficiency required by pilots and air traffic control officers (ATCOs) involved in international operations. By March 2008, all flight crews and air traffic controllers must have a certain level of English language proficiency. This deadline has been relaxed and, under certain conditions, extended through March 2011 – and there are requirements for recertification every three years for those meeting the minimum standards.

Pilots and ATCOs need reach an ICAO level 4 in the following categories: Pronunciation, Structure, Vocabulary, Fluency, Comprehension and Interactions. These requirements are per the ICAO standards.

..2) What is ICAO Level?

The ICAO Level 4 is mapped to our proficiency Level 6 in terms of fluency. Due to the ICAO requirements, it is essential that students reach ICAO 4, and having them complete our Level 8 should give them the fluency of BE 6-7 and grammar of 7-8, which is equivalent to ICAO 4. Generally, we can suggest the following correlations:

Our BE level : ICAO level
1-2 : 1
3-4 : 2
5-6 : 3
7-8 : 4

..3) Whatt is the Aviation English Solution?

IATA and we have developed a complete solution so that Pilots (i.e., the flight crew) and ATCOs around the world can meet ICAO’s new English language proficiency standards by 2008 (which was extended to March 2011). The solution consists of two services:

1) Assessment Service – This service enables airlines and other aviation organizations to assess their Pilots’ and ATCOs’ level of English language proficiency in an aviation context. Candidates call into a testing center to take part in an oral evaluation of up to 20 minutes.

2) Language Training - Once the assessment has been completed and candidates have been placed at the appropriate our BE Level, Aviation English training is delivered (either face-to-face in our LCs (or on the client’s premises) or via the BVC. At our BE Levels 1-4, our standard BE curriculum will be used. For levels 5-8, our BE Essentials plus the Aviation Specialization will be used.

..4) What is the Aviation English Specialization?

A 72-unit BE-style Specialization

Course components: Student Book, Instructor Manual, 2 Audio CDs

Course structure: 12 Chapters of 6 units each; each chapter is devoted to an aviation-specific topic. Course Content/Topics:

1) Geography
2) Weather conditions
3) Aircraft Maintenance
4) Cargo and Dangerous Goods
5) Flight Planning
6) Review Chapter
7) Take-off and Climb
8) En Route and Position Reports
9) In-flight Safety and Security
10) First Aid and Medical Assistance
11) Descent and Landing
12) Review Chapter